High proxies failing with Jarvee after recent update


Jarvee just had an update like an hour ago.

and suddenly all my Highproxies went invalid, i started a ticket but it usually takes about a day for them to reply, so i wanted to fast route.

any ideas onto what could make that happen? already tested out other proxies and they work fine (so it’s not jarvee related issue)

What is the exact error your get in the log? What happens if you open the EB?

error: Failed with 1-

and if i open the EB i get a blank page.

jarvee’s guide is basically to contact the proxy provider. so i’m hoping someone has gone through this before and has a fast solution, if not i’ll just wait on my provider to respond :slight_smile:

if you have the correct URL (the one used to test proxies), correct information (IP: port, username, and password) and the proxies are still invalid then that should be your net step, contact your provider.

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Maybe you just need to renew your proxy payment and it’s just a coincidence that there was Jarvee update as well? :smiley: just an idea :smiley:

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I don’t say it’s an “High Proxies” issue, because you tested them. But once you figure out the issue, i would suggest you to look somewhere else than HP :slight_smile:

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Do you have any specific suggestions, i really don’t need 4g proxies atm, 70-100$/mo is way out of my budget, specially since all i do with the accounts is just repost… nothing else.