How can i create my own viral posts?


I probably need help from an experienced one.

I own a good fashion page on instagram with over 31k Follower and a good Engagement Rate without hashtags or methods. I normally repost viral content from other people in my niche, but I nearly don’t get new content and have to repost my old content all the time.

My Problem is: If i create my own posts, then i get a lot less likes. Could somebody help me, bec I have no idea how to create my own viral content. I can pay for help, but I dont wanna use hashtags or any other methods that will hurt me on long-term!

I also tried to repost content from 2018 to early 2020, but this is often trash for nowadays.

still need help

You can check out the following articles to give you an idea of how to create your own content:

You may also check other articles that will help you with Marketing: The JARVEE blog - learn how to grow your business on social media

my advice, start removing ghost/bot(random promotes, etc) low score accounts 4-6k+ following(they probably missed your content long time ago, so yea as the first step of recovery engagement, this is the first step I make really recommend, results almost instant, good luck let me know if you did so and update the results :call_me_hand:
seconds advice for clean job do it manually