Does someone of you know how you change the IPv4 adress of your phone (without moving to another part of the city) or even disable it that you just use the IPv6 adress for internet connection?
Turn airplane mode on and wait 3 seconds then turn airplane mode off and you should have a new IP address
I know the IPv6 changes, not the IPv4. But someone already told me that this shouldnt be problem.
Thank you
Correct, that shouldn’t be a problem - Airplane mode should do the trick
That’s probably related to your ISP
Your IPv6 should change if you do put it in airplane mode long enough. Maybe try airplane mode a little longer. In my city if I set my phone on airplane mode for 5 minutes it always changes both the IPv6 and IPv4
When they invented IPv4 they did not expect the Internet to become such a big thing. it is the old protocol but it has not enough combinations and they are going to run out of IPv4 IPs. So they invented IPv6 to have enough combinations for the future (and for other reasons) Now they switch from From 4 to 6. This takes time. So its different depending on your internet service provider and how much he has allready adapted to IPv6. I don’t know nothing about networks so pls correct me if I am wrong but thats what I read.
You can also try different providers, since account creation should not consume a lot of bandwidth, pre-paid plans should be enough for that
Maybe there are ways to get as much IPs as you need
So for the account creation it is necessary to use a mobile internet flat?
No, the point was that you DO NOT need a flat rate Normal prepaid data plans (pay per GB) should be sufficient.
Yeah that was what I meant, I just mean the difference between using the mobile internet connection trough Wifi or using the mobile internet connection trough the internet provider of my phone.
So should be the internet connection trough the provider of my phone. I understood right?
Always over the phone (4g LTE, 3G UMTS).
Okay thank you Henry
Another very valueable thing learnt today
Happy cake day
Woooow. Didn’t know
Hi @roy You can turn on the airplane mode and then off it. It will give you new IP for sure.
Make sure to give 5-10 sec. break between on and off.
that’s exactly what i’m doing , i have a 15GB for 10$/ month and it works perfectly , i have not tried to create accounts with it it as i’m buying aged accounts , but i tried it to reprofile accounts and it works like charm .
Where did you found 15GB for 10$ ?
Here in Germany I pay 20€ for 5GB …