I’m interested in the journey people have taken to get here. Wait til you see the dumb mistake I made part-way through. My story goes a little something like this:
I’ve dabbled in online marketing, ecommerce lots over the last 15 years, but never really stuck with it or had any major success. Recently I decided to have another crack at it.
I was hunting around for products to sell and settled on well designed teapots. Did all my research, spent hours scouring Aliexpress trying to find good ones and kept seeing cool teacups. After a while it dawned on me that I should probably sell teacups as well. People bought more of them and there were so many cool designs out there. So I did more research to identify ones that would sell well.
I was part-way through this journey when I read an article about what makes a good ecommerce product and realised that I really had missed some key attributes. Crockery is hard to ship and people don’t buy it that often. So I scrapped the first brand, and all the brand imagery and shifted into a product in the tea space (this wasn’t the dumb mistake).
I saw that there were waaaaaay to many generic competitors so decided to create my own private label brand. Cue more research (can you see my favourite activity yet?). Product research, packing research, fulfilment research, sample orders on Alibaba…
I tried out Facebook ads, but here’s where I made my dumbest mistake. I setup the product, and got the ads running. 24 hours later I was checking out my site and realised that the product I was directing the ads to was showing as out of stock! Not a good plan if you want buyers to convert.
Of course my new product needed an Instagram page. So I set one up and decided to learn how to grow an instagram following. I came across all the websites that offer this ‘amazing’ service where they like other people’s pictures for you. Wow, and it only costs $50 per month per account. Well that seems reasonable. After all I’m going to get all these new followers who are going to buy my products.
Then I came across BHW and and then MPSocial and my mind expanded
So now I’m on a new stage of my journey. Who knows where it will take me next…