How do you actually concentrate?

youre welcome buddy!
haha thank you!
Beard tips: Use castor oil as conditioner in shower + rinse + coconut oil when dried = Smooth AF beard


I love how quickly that went from drugs to beard-grooming tips.


When I really want to focus I use Pomodoro technique. There are a lot of apps for this purpose, so I don’t link them here.
Also close any distracting websites, apps (email, facebook etc…), put the phone in airplane mode.
If anybody is right around me I also tell them to not disturb me for 25 minutes. In most cases they can wait this time.

I always have a few different jobs to do and when i get bored of 1 i go onto another for a few hours then back to the orginal

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Modafinil :slight_smile:

Where too get that ? People say it’s the same as NZT from the movie " limitless ".
Modafinil = Provigil or Modiodal in my country

I put on some nice chill raggae music to put me in a calmer state, helps a little to have sharper focus.

That’s how life is, start working and see what happens. Get up and see what happens, ETC !

Also I think concentration is learned thru the years, it depends on you!!

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For me the best thing is to prevent myself from anything trigger me. like if i like to play games i just keep saying no till the urge is gone.

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Sent u PM


Hit it from deeper level :wink:

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Hi man, it is weird but this is what has been working for me:

  • Generating leverage.

Going to high end clubs and hanging out with guys who make more money than i do (and seeing how they spend) makes me feel bad. Going out to clubs, picking up girls and not being able to pull them to an apartment sucks. Eating just cans of beans and tortillas is a hell! So i do this on purpose to i generate enough leverage and i start wanting to work like mad to get out of the nightmare. It truly works the more you get smashed into the dirt!

  • Nutrition.

I only eat greens, good carbs and a heck lot of protein. No processed foods, no coca cola, no beer, just water. With greens specially, you feel a high when you eat a lot of them (try spinach) and you feel damn focused.

  • Meditation

20 minutes of meditation 7 days a week is damn powerful man. It feels like you are in 3rd person most of the time once you have momentum with it. You will still think you want to procrastinate but you will also say “meh, i won’t” and actually work. It is WEIRD.

  • Mindset

Having a growth mindset also helps! Specially when you don’t want to do certain things or you are stuck doing the same thing over and over. Seeing it like an RPG in the manner that you can improve if you work on harder stuff each day makes you want to work and work and work more.

Hope this helps! Also remember to go out and have some fun doing whatever you have fun with. You have to recover too


Glad to hear you’re able to achieve all that! It’s super tough to make a positive impact on your own life. As the popular phrase - and the basis for a few songs that come to mind - you are your own worst enemy. In other words, making a real difference in your own life seems easy in theory, but in practice can be exceptionally challenging. It’s always easier to do more of the same and tell yourself “tomorrow I’ll do xyz.”

Also, meditating is tough by the way, at least for me. My brain will not shut down, hence the alcohol and pot. The only way to physically calm the anxiety, which is as close to meditation as I’ve ever been able to get :joy:

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This is awesome! I will try the cans of beans method, probably it will help me to focus on making money. :joy:
Where did you find high end clubs and is it free or how is it looks like? :smiley:

@ian just practice, it isn’t that hard, maybe try Headspace. I started with that more than a year ago and doing it every day since then. Now I do unguided meditation which is way more better for me. :slight_smile:

Yeah bro. But the thing is my mind is full. Like when i talk to somebody IRL i forget my sentence and then i say something else and go to the wrong way. I have to clear my mind.
I think this summer vacation i have to do something real :smiley:

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I do an hour of cardio per day or two if i can go in twice

Write down 5 things you need to do with a thick ass sharpie.
Tackle the Easy task first so it gets the ball rolling.
Also a notepad, just to jot ideas that comes to mind

I used to like going to work/research at the public library or go somewhere quiet. Public library is best for me cause everyone else is probably studying for some test and it makes me want to work hard too haha

No coffee shops or music for me - I need absolute silence

binaural bets and running

My secret is simple.


I’m a workaholic.