How Do You Interpretive This Graphs Of Filters? 🤔

I just tested this method [METHOD] Get YOUR best Follow Back Ratio by creating your OWN filters parameters on one of my niche accounts. I used very wide filters when running the accounts. So I analyzed 2 datersets each with ~2,4k users one with poeple that followed back and one that didnt followed back.
They graphs show the amount of people that followed back (Orange) and the amount of people that didnt followed back (Blue) depending on the number of Followers/Followings/Posts/Follow Ratio.

My question now is:

  1. Woud you use the filters that gave the highest amount of people that followed back or
  2. Would you use the filters that gave the biggest difference between users that didnt followed back and users that followed back.

So for example with method 1 applied on graph “Follow Ratio” you would try to filter 0,2-1,2 follow ratio.
But with method 2 you would try to filter 0,8-1,8.

Let me know your thoughts about it and keep in mind the amount of users that followed back and didnt followed back in the graphs are the SAME! both ~2,3k

Just 2.300 total users to each table? I think it is a very small quantity to get precise results from the method… Last time I did with 1.000.000 in one and 500.000 in the other.

My interpretation of your graphs to get high FBR:

Following: 0 - 650

Follow Ratio: > 0,8

But again, I am giving my interpretation based on the graphs, please people, I am not saying that it is the best filters of all times and I am not saying either that it would be a good way to to the method because it is too many results in my humble opinion.

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Yeah, only had time for ~5k users to scrape. software needs it time :joy:

So what you say is using method 1?

A mix of both… I will see the ranges of the x axis that the follow back is higher than the not follow back and use it as a good range to set in the filters.