What are some telltale, concrete signs that you are shadowbanned? Not “losing followers” or “fewer likes”. Is there a way to definitively confirm if you are shadowbanned?
If you use a hashtag that is not very popular, and your video does not appear on this hashtag’s page, you’re probably shadowbanned.
Shadowbans normally last up to 14 days, if it’s not something severe.
Your followers can still see your video, but it won’t show on the fyp. If your traffic sources analytics say 0% For You Page, that’s another sign.
So anything above 0% means you are fine and not being suppressed at all?
Shadowban is when they block your content from being included on the FYP and hashtags. People on the Internet say that deleting your “problematic” video removes your shadowban, but I don’t think that’s true. You should wait it out. Sometimes, they just don’t push your content for various reasons, and you might not be shadowbanned. If your content goes on the fyp, just keep posting new content.
Good question! I would also like to know if there is some specific indicator to know about this for 100%.
Im pretty sure that there’s some level of shadowban, like lvl 1 you get less views like 50% less and lvl 10 is like you get 0 views and this depends of the infraction
I’m pretty sure that if you’re shadowbanned, you won’t get on the fyp. You still get views from your profile and followers.
I am pretty sure that you’ll know when you are shadowbanned. Your engagement will drop instantly and your posts will not appear on hashtag’s page.
yep, like you have been hit by a train
My fyp engagement was pretty low on a recent post, but I’m still showing up on sounds and hashtags. Any ideas? @Luca
it might be related to what we discussed on the other thread, the consistency part, i’m not 100 % sure that not posting everyday could cause that but there is definitely a possibility, try to post every single day from now on and keep us updated.
Just following up with an update. I posted throughout the week and 2 of the videos blew up to almost a million views each, but both vids didn’t blow up until almost 24 hours after the posting. Regardless, think the issue sorted itself out.
sounds great
try to keep the same pattern and avoid any kind of sudden changes.
Glad to hear it! All about consistency and patience on TikTok.