How Does the Instagram API Vs. Private API Works!

Here you touched my area of expertise :slight_smile: I will just clarify things:

API -> simple as an interface between the user and the system, for what you need one? to request information, to update, to delete, to execute a process or whatever the API developer programmed.

OK now… going to IG word, at this point only IG offers the Instagram Graph API

and it is deprecating the old Instagram Platform API

They left most of the developers without a chance of using the new API, and a few “authorized” apps can make us of it.

So after that many developers started to build solutions to somehow access the data, those are NOT Instagram PRIVATE APIs, it doesn’t exist that, (you can find some developers using that name, basically to get people’s attention and a few more downloads). However anyone can build a system that includes API as well, very common practice in order to avoid website scraping for example.
And to control the access to your information, you will need an API ID provided by the creator.
(CNN API for news, WeatherChannel etc you got the point)

I’m one of those developers that I’m building tools to get what I cannot with the IG API.

I hope is a bit more clear now :slight_smile:
Note: I tried to use common language, so all the software engineers colleagues out there, bare with me pls.


this does not make sense?

below is code in c++ for a routine to log in
if (login != “” && pass != “”) {

				json auth_json;
				try {
					auth_json = json::parse(net->PostQuery("", map<string, string>({
						{"username", login},
						{"password", pass}
					}), getInstagramHeaders()));
				} catch (std::exception& err) {
					errorNote(&err, 1);
				} catch (...) {

				if (auth_json["authenticated"] == true) {
					user = cookies->getValidValue("ds_user_id");
					console->graphWriteToLine("Logged in in " + date(time(NULL)));

after that, I can simply call what ever I want becuase I can access said account. no damn id needed.


You can call it whatever you want but you didn’t build any API. You are not getting anything that you cannot get with the browser’s console. Please don’t confuse more the ppl with this :slight_smile:
APIs are ONLY Built within the system’s back-end and users can only make us of them. Period.
In the IG case, only IG can build an Instagram API (or Facebook of course :slight_smile: )

I did not say build, i said access.

i was pointing to that. its not the only way. the example I gave is the other way. browsers don’t give yo shit.


Any API is not an Instagram API we are not generalizing
‘‘The Instagram API requires an access_token from authenticated users for each endpoint’’

With you’re Knowledge let me know how you think Jarvee is able to connect to the API and start making such calls ,thanks anyway!!

@alossra Such a great explanation. Thanks for sharing!

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I don’t fully understand your question…but let’s try.
I don’t work for Jarvee so I cannot answer how they perform any IG action, I assume that they still use some of the basic old IG API functionalities and then a bunch of different techniques, app emulation, browser control, scraping source code, etc etc. I couldn’t find Jarvee as an approved app, but maybe it is so they can use also the new IG API. (I doubt it, just because of proxies, IG woudn’t allow it) Cheers! :slight_smile:

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“Use only API to save bandwidth”

ON or OFF with Instagram?

Thank you :smile:

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Here you go ,Good luck

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Thank you very much! :smiley:

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Instagram dOES have a so called “private API” and it’s the one used by IG mobile apps. The “public API” is the one you and me can use, and it’s really limited… you can basically scrape very few basic info and that’s about it. You can’t post, see/write DMs or view stories with it and other stuff. So, yeah… it’s called “private” because it’s intended for “private use” (by IG). It’s still an API, doe.

Yes, Instagram can detect it’s not being used by an official app. Don’t fool yourself.

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basically using the API is like using the App! I hope you get it
Would you prefer To use the app or the browser؟؟؟
which one do you think IG trusts more!

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Are you using it now with no problems when the matter is follow?

I think that is some kind of “problem” with the whatever private/non-private Jarvee API when it comes to follow actions, because I am getting the follow block red icon error in many accounts but they are not blocked at all.

is this just a theory or this is tested that users should “use api only”?

Yes I do without any problems :grin: :100:
If your Follow blocked and you tested Following from the EB and it worked, than you should change your Device ID and activate the follow tool again!
Technical Difficulties From the Software’s after I does unknown updates and wipes Doesn’t change the fact ,if it keeps happening and they didn’t Found the reason it did happened Than it sucks we might br forced to Use EB Than!

The title of the topic says How Does the Instagram API Vs. Private API Works!
And Not You should use the API Only!
replies to other people don’t mean for everybody some people get it some people don’t!
I Don’t take responsibility for anything you will Do!
Do your own research before applying what anyone says
Thanks Guys