How i grew my instagram from 0-300k in less than 2 years organically and made over 1.4 million dollars

For those that dont know, instagram is a super powerful tool to make money, if its done correctly. All you need is great branding that makes you stand out, and gives you credibility, email service that allows you to send millions of emails, and have millions of emails bought or scraped.

In terms of branding, its the single most important aspect of this funnel. If you fail at this, conversions will drop and no one will want to buy from you. As i started gaining more credibility, my conversions started increasing. When i say credibility, that means, more influencers or people featured on my instagram page.

If i were to do this all over again, these would be the steps:

  1. Decide what niche you want to go for, and build an instagram around that. In my case it was fitness, which means all my dropshipping products were fitness active wear, for men and woman.

  2. Make sure your branding is consistent and not random. Your instagram will be the first impression of you, make sure its a great one. When someone receives an email from you, and they go to your instagram, it needs to be appealing, or else they will just ignore you all together and not buy from you nor follow.

  3. Instead of just sending emails to random people in the beginning, handpick 20-30 people, and send them products completely for free. Dont charge them, these 20-30 people will be used to build you initial credibility and kickstart the system.

  4. Once you have content from all these influencers, start posting them on your instagram page, and build that credibility. Once thats done, you can proceed to scraping emails or buying lists.

  5. Buy or scrape emails from instagram. If you buy lists, make sure the seller is trustworthy and hasn’t resold hes data to hundreds of people. In terms of scraping, theres multiple options, i myself, built my own 4g proxy system at home, and had a team creating thousands of instagram accounts per day, plus hired a programmer to build my bot.

  6. Once you have the data or scraped it yourself, its time to build a email system. I tested everything from, trying to bypass the limits of platforms like convertkit or mailchimp, or other big email marketing companies. It works, but eventually you will get caught, as they are not made for cold emailing. The best way is either to build your own gmass system, that sends less emails, but inbox rate is super high, or sign up to a bulk email service and blast millions of emails with low inbox rate.

  7. Once the system is online, you have branding working, emails being sent, email being scraped or bought, make sure to keep your instagram active, posting on stories, always ask for influencers to send you content, so that you can post it on your page.

This is how i grew my page from 0-300k followers in less that 2 years, sending millions of emails and redirecting people to one instagram handle, drove thousands of people per day to my page, and gained a lot of followers as a result.

I attached some pictures of my instagram , which isn’t active no more, so that you can see more or less how it looked.

Hope this helps, and happy to help people with any questions that you might have.

How come you stopped when it was doing so well? And wouldn’t most of the follower audience in women’s yoga wear be men instead of women?

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I stopped because i did enough money and started a new business where it was based on paid media, like facebook ads and tik tok ads. My followers were mixed, i had a mixture of both

I’d say the actual customers might mostly be women.