How many people are you messaging a day?

Hello I am curious how many people u guys are messaging daily on IG per account

About 40 messages per day. 1 message per operation, at least 30 minutes between each operation.

They cut down the limits… About month ago you could easily send 150 messages daily. Now it’s mission impossible.


Thank you Adnan I needed this answer! Also Do auto-reply messages count?

Yes, all messages in total.

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40-50 on 6 month aged accounts works fine for me 7 days a week


What is the time between each operations? Do you still manage to send out 40-50 messages per day?

4 per hour
runs for 10-13 hours

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To be clear, your message settings are as follows:
Wait between 60 to 60min between operations
send between 4 to 4 messages per operation
maximum 40-50 messages per day
run the tool for 10-13h?

And are you sending the message just to new followers? Just an auto reply messages? or both?

Thats correct!

I use it to message new followers, sendin them my price list of my products/services!

Use spintax!!!


Will try out these settings. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help!! Been trying to find a solution to this problem for months…
So with these settings you have never got a 210 error (too many requests/messaging block)?
How long have you been using these settings for, without getting 210 error?

I used different kinds of settings, all with a very complex spintax, but the most i got to was that I am able to send messages for 8 days and then received a block (210 error)…

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Were you using new pva accounts though? Aged accounts sure do have a massive advantage on the limits! And over 10 days fine, i started off following for a few weeks first, i think straight away dm’ing on an account looks a little suspicous

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Yeah I am using aged accounts, all over 6 months. So you first did not message anyone for a week and then, after a week, you turned on the messaging using these settings?

Cause I am trying to figure out what triggers these errors and how to best avoid them.

Does anyone of you guys know how Instagram decides if you show up in message requests or in the normal section?
I have a lot of spam ending up in the normal section on my accounts. But some messages will be displayed under requested and I think they don´t give the user a push notification.

I send out 20 messages to people manually a couple days ago and 18 did not read the message until now. I assume that I am ending up in the message request section.

Hope it´s clear enough what I am talking about.

If a user follows you and you send a message to him it will end up in a “normal” section.
If you message a user that does not follow you it will end up in request section.

It applies from users perspective as well:
if a user messages you and you follow him -> message appears in your “normal” section
If a user messages you and you do not follow him -> message appears in your request section

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In that case id run a split test,

Once accs are warmed up, wait 1,2,3,4 weeks across them before you start dming

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I believe you have to follow them or they have to follow you or both for msg to go into main inbox, but don’t quote me on it might be wrong.

Understood. But for you right now, the account you are using that is able to send out 40-50 messages per day without getting too many request block, did you wait for some time (a week?) before you started dming?

Yeah quite long actually, i started them very light in january, turned hem up in febuary, they were doing about 750-900 follows 3 days a week, same unfollow and 1 resting in febuary

then about 4-5 week in i set them to auto dm 7 days a week, maybe 30-40 for a few days then 40-50 but never above 50!

i dont have a great memory it was some time ago and i don’t dm anymore as it wasnt pulling in the results i desired but never had any flags!

So wait… you do not send messages to your followers anymore?
I didn’t have this problem until January, if you haven’t been sending these messages the past month than it is completely different. When was the last time you used these settings?

So wait… you do not send messages to your followers anymore?
I didn’t have this problem until January, if you haven’t been sending these messages the past month than it is completely different. When was the last time you used these settings?