How much Data Does Instagram Use


I’m looking to do manual actions on my clients Instagram accounts using 4G SIM cards. I’m looking to do anywhere around 100 follows/100 unfollows per day for now. Might include a few story views and likes here and there.

How much data do you think I will need per month per account?

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If you do this I would recommend refraining from opening any videos as they use a significantly higher amount of data. You’ll probably need to charge quite a sum to make up for the data costs. What I recommend doing is running Jarvee with a Proxy from any provider and using the embedded browser to manually follow your daily target amount. You can then track the exact data usage in your proxy provider panel. That should give you a good idea of the data costs involved.

Thank you, Is manually doing actions via the EB safe? As that doesn’t seem very human like.

I can pay R137 (around 10 dollars) for 3GB of data and I can get two sims which gives me 6GB at R274 (around 22 dollars) to run and do actions on about 7 Instagram accounts per month. I’m not sure if this is to little.

I currently am using 4 virgin DC proxies costing me $25 per month that I have been using for Jarvee.

I am running 15 accs/ 4g proxy with followings (ONLY API) for each account:

  • follow 150-190/day
  • like: 100-120/day
  • story views: 80-120/day
  • contact: 10-50 day
  • posting: 1/day
    and I am consuming 2gb/week but as I’ve said, I don’t have any blocks whatsoever so I don’t use EB. With EB the data consumption might double.
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This isn’t going to be an accurate reflection on manual activity data usage, as the API calls used to scrape posts that fit your specifications won’t apply when following manually on a phone.

So manually doing actions should use less GB than what @mrspuf said?

Significantly less.

I would say 100-150MB per day per account and yes API uses less traffic than EB.

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