How much does it cost for manual growth?

How much does it cost for manual growth, like, on a per account level?


We have tested a few manual guys … $40-$60USD a month seems to be the rate.


is this per account managed?

Yeah from my experince

Yes,Unless you are doing only Follow/Unfollow.

If you are not aware,Doing the same actions everyday gets you a shadowban.The people you follow won’t recieve any notification on their device unless they checked their notifications inside Instagram to see who followed you.

I would suggest go with full account management with all the actions and some extra features,This will ensure no bans,blocks or shadowbans resulting in easy 800-1200 followers/Month (Subject to content of the Main Page)

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Im looking to try some Manual growth services. Do you know somebody offering this service that can handle a good amount of accounts?



Good afternoon, we are currently working manual, send me pm so that we can talk about it

i usually charge $50/month


Why exactly are you targeting only manual growth? Have you tried using automation?

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I switched to Manual Growth since time now.

But the good this is that it is possible to offer different usage depend on the customer.
For example, I have got some celebrities that doesn’t want to F/U, but just likes or story view.

Feel free to contact if needed.


We are doing Manual Growth for our Clients.

Charging a flat rate of 50 USD a Month,We are delivering 700-1200 Followers with some extra features included,You can message me if you are interested.

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@4GProxies Your clients gonna get bad engagement for doing F/UF on main account. Bare that in mind.

45$ / 70$ per month that really depends on what the client wants exactly some clients may want plus stuff so what I do is create multiple packages and the ability to create a customized one.

It all depends on quality of manual service and quanitity you take.

The 40-60$ is more or less a hoax. 65$-100$ is the true number. You will gain more by manual than automation any day hence why is more expensive.

For example bot does not have a human eye nor feeling of what is good profile and whats not. The engagement stuff is also a BS. We’ve got tons of profiles that had 2-3% ER with 5K followers then we boosted it with precise liking and F/UF to 7-10% ER with around 600-1K gains.

The problem of F/UF becomes when profile has more than -20 daily follower bleed. Then you devote more tactics to just like, story view, dm, post, hashtags etc.

Having a human putting time in you is always way better than Automation (click-click-check-forget).


Anyone offering this service please DM with rates and the strategy that you offer. I’d also like to review some accounts that you’re working on to see the quality of your work. If you can’t show me results please don’t waste our time sending me a message. Thanks!

Nice insights brother