How much should I be charging companies for product placement?

I’ve got several instagram accounts in my SBB profile, as well as a few FB pages. When calculating a pitch you just check the ones you want to include.

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In general think their twitter rates are insanely high, but I might be undervaluing my twitter accounts

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Holy sh**! We normally post for $50 (3 posts) per advertiser to think… holy… that’s why people pay us so fast with this. coz it’s freakin’ cheap.

Fewer sponsored posts, more money!

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I mean, I myself is focused on content creation. And my accounts are 98% feature accounts. This is really great help. @Rick Thanks again.

Welcome to the forum man. @Coffee

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I’ve been lurking for ages and only just opened an account.

yep for real!

Especially if you are from the US I encourage you to charge more. As I said I read of people with low quality accounts charging a lot of money to companies. You might hear back many “no”, but if you sell yourself cheap it’s hard to then negotiate higher prices.

There is also an oversaturation of the so called “influencers” and due to the fact that many would let you f*ck their mom in exchange for a 2$ chinese watch it is not easy to start out. I am personally now pitching companies to start earning some money from IG, but many say they have no budget, so I politely point out my strengths and refuse the collaboration if they are not willing to pay what I think it’s fair. I think my tactic will pay in the long run.
I don’t attach it to my media kit (that is the only thing I send with my pitch email), but I do a print screen and send it in the following emails when the payment topic comes out.

Anyway different countries, different niches, different quality of pictures, … mean also different price per post, but I think that website can give you a rough idea: for example if it says 250 to me means 200 would be fine too, but I definitely know I’m not going to accept 50.


We don’t pitch… people come to our site for an editorial and we add social media promotions as an upsell… now that we have a reference, we can do better.

They have a public option for advertisers to find you… Did you try that too?

I do have my profile there, as I have it on maybe 20 more influencers websites like the ones I wrote here before.
I haven’t received a single offer from any of them, I’m in fitness-lifestyle niche, currently in Europe, 25K followers and 14%ER. So I believe they don’t work well, they don’t actively promote you, they just want to have as many fishes in their tank for the brands to choose and for them to take their cut out of doing nothing.
I’m doing it my own way now, but I just started, so I’ll see the results in the coming weeks/months.

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Got it man!
It doesn’t matter. The fact that I know our worth… it’s a huge help. Thank you a million times!

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I don’t think you need it if you already have companies reaching out to you. Keep in mind that the demographics of your audience matters a LOT, so if it’s like 90% US or UK,CA… but specially US, you can charge more than usual and the companies will pay, becuase thats their target audience.