How much should I be paying for manual IG growth?

Reality check is more 200 bucks a month than 500 (otherwise you’d make no profit :slight_smile: )

Every dollar is too much. Use Jarvee like everyone else.
The whole manual growth sales pitch is snake oil.

They use ADB and bots (like Jarvee), almost none of them actually do the growth manually.

If someone tries to sell you something via PM, that person already did not even bother to spend a few dollars for a sales thread here on MPSocial. Check out the #public-marketplace


Whilst I’ve heard manual growth is a viable option, my limited experience and general understanding would also gravitate towards this idea:

The sales pitch is that you have a real person on a real device. That’s the upside right. As Jarvee API may not be exactly as good as a real phone.

So it sounds better, doesn’t it?

Maybe? But actually, no.

  • Very low chance your targeting can be as good as using automated software.
  • Very low chance you can randomise the actions as well (assuming you understand how to use Jarvee).
  • Even if it’s not fake you’ll end up having a Filippino or someone in India at 1-3$ per hour doing your work on the cheap cheap android device and maybe a mobile proxy from your country if you’re lucky with the provider. Realistically, do you really expect that person to put effort? And do quality work? I don’t think so.

I could go on, but automation beats manual growth times and times again, just don’t mess up your settings.

And manual growth gets blocks as well. Even worse sometimes. So why waste time and money with that?

  • Strong opinion, not necessarily facts so take it for what it’s worth. But I bet 4/5 times your ‘Manual’ Sales pitch growth will be done via Jarvee or some other bot lol.

JV works fine for experienced users. But the thing is in my opinion some normal users who want to grow 1 or 2 accs will not setup Jarvee to work correctly these days, whatever guides they might read how to do it. Then the costs are at lest $50-60/mo (JV licence, HQ proxies, VPS, scraper accs). After a few errors or worse temporarily blocks they will give up. You can scrape users according to your targeting and then do all actions manually. It works, and much less problems. Because of IG limits growth will never be like in old days no matter what you do JV or manually, except for the MS method but thats another thing.

well I think you have to balance it with your market

Got to say you marked some points here mate. If one wants to do F/U on main accounts, ither you approach a marketer who has experience using JV to grow clients accounts, either you go for manual growth. But i don’t see the point using JV for 1 account. Feels overkill

Manual growth is not that hard if the supervisor of the team has enough experience and is willing to test even if things work. Never did growth for clients myself, but I can imagine teaching tier 1 country people to do actions with filtering on the go for ~250$ / acc.

I’m not saying it’s impossible, I’m just saying it’s highly unlikely someone went this far to make it work.