Hi guys! I just found that I have over 100+ accounts from 5000-15000 followers which are about 2 years old. I used them for massing DM’ing and gained with them over 150+ instagram clients.
Followers are bought on some of them, on others are gained by follow/unfollow.
They are profiled like this:
For most of them i bought likes, for some even comments. Other gained comments organically.
I’m wondering if it would be possible to sell them for 10$ per 1k follower? I mean both which are gained by follow/unfollow and bought.
Maybe someone has an idea where i could sell them? Cause as I see, right now, to buy 5000 instagram followers cost minimum of 40$ or so. These accounts are old, with likes and comments so price maybe would even go further.
Hello! Still need your help guys. Maybe you can recommend me any website/platform where i can sell instagram accounts with bought followers? All sites i visite - they are all with real followers accounts for sale… If someone could help me to sell them , i could pay a comission to it.
I’m sorry but no one in the right mind would buy accounts with fake followers at that price + you already used them for mass DMs…
Look at some spam forums - you should find someone but at much lower price.
Well, sorry, but i think i didnt mention the price? I mean i wrote how much $ bought followers are worth on many sites, but not my price. I would sell it for cheaper , 1000 followers - 4$. But I need to know where to do that. Spam forums is a good idea , thank you for your advise!
Well then sorry. I also wrote “I mean both which are gained by follow/unfollow and bought” , so i meant that price for those whch gained with follow/unfollow basically.
Still searching for a partner who could help me to get these accounts sold. Some of them I sold already, but still i have many in stock like 80. If someone of you have contacts , please let me know.
Hey guys, maybe someone of you have an account of marketplace seller on any reputable forum like bhw , cpaelites or something? This could help a lot to get sales done…