Hi everyone, i dont know where to ask my noob question. Im new with IM and new with code also.
I want to build a sweestakes website. In this website i will create many sweestakes, 1 landing page per each sweestake with content locker from OGAds. Its good if i can collect their emails also
But i dont know how to do it, I dont have a real-life friend to tell me what to learn, can someone guide me the right path so i can save a lot of time.
If you are me, how will you make this website ? (like using wp/ html/ or php website, about landing page, zip other website or use plugin like…etc…)
I read a lot, but things become more and more complicated.
Give me a map so i wont lost in my journey …!
Thank for any other recommend
I dont know what you’re trying to achive but most of the tuts are online and pretty straight forward and basic. It requires knowledge of how to set up your own site, that’s about it. If you can get a wordpress setup in a site hosting, you’re one step closer. Once you done that, you can ask more in depth when you dont understand.
Technically, most landing pages are plain html, so you don’t need WP at all.
- Download the .zip file from ogads landing page
- Follow this tut to upload file http://support.hostgator.com/articles/cpanel/how-to-upload-a-file-using-the-file-manager
- Use a program like notepad++ or atom.io to edit your files.
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