How to Create TikTok Video Content - Apps or Process

I’m really curious about the different ways people are creating TikTok content without having to show your actual face.

I enjoy using the green screen and then just voiceover a story or something like that.

Other things I use include:

Pexels Video / Canva movie export - > then voiceover
Procreate Animation -> then voiceover

What other apps are you using?

I use this thing called screen record


I am making cartoons so I do not show my face. I use Adobe Premiere Pro for editing.

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I honestly rely on my face for views and likes. If I didn’t want to show my face, I’d be making tutorials on YouTube or travel videos for Instagram. My 3 videos without my face didn’t perform that well. I think that’s what makes this app what it is.


I’ve always had success reposting videos from Youtube/insta with the screen recorder app.


When you say “screen record” is it an app or like the literally iphone screen recorder.

I’m really liking this app called “Inshot” it works well for adding audio to video.


Cool would you mind sharing a link I’d love to see one. :pray:

There is several screen recorder apps for free on the appstore