How to deal with negative comments on IG?

Hey , so im thinking of running new bh niche
It was not bothering me as i was running cpa offers only but in this particular idea im more then sure its going to flood me with comments pooring shit
And i dont rly know how would i possibly avoid comments i mean i could eal ith one or few accounts but on scaling to 100 or more it seems undoable… any suggestions ?

We have delete comments tool for that, just add words that are used most often and run the tool, you can even block user on auto after deleting its comment.

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Would that not be a problem if u delete too much ? Btw i dunno how i missed that , probbably bcuz it never was a problem lol o.O

I have a hot girls niche IG, it gets lots of too raunchy comments on it. MP deletes probably around 20 30 per post. No problems yet.

You can also just have IG block them.

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