How do I get back into my IG account if I don’t have the phone number? I do have the email in which IG can send a password reset but when that’s changed and I go to log in it comes up telling me to enter the code it sent to the phone number. Please help!
you need a lot of articles about you and your accont , a wikipedia article is a must and then you can apply
Always try to use a phone number you have access to. Now it’s insanely hard next to impossible to retrieve your account.
You didn’t read the question did you?
Your best bet is to contact IG/FB and give a detailed explanation of your situation.
Mention things like:
- The date and location when you created your account
- Your IP adress
- Some personal information
Contact support and hope for the best !
Thanks for your help guys. Seems I have nowhere to go to ask for advice when it comes to this.
I must add…
So I think I lost my accounts yesterday because I posted the same pic with the same caption to 60 accounts. Then again about 4 times after. 1 pic and caption of the same to 60 accounts… Is this what disabled them? But how do I avoid it? I’m new to this J since before I’d use my phone and do it manually.
Please guys if you have any time to reply with explaining how to not have my accounts disabled from posting then I’ll appreciate it more than you’d imagine.