How to go viral with IG Live?

anyone has any experience with new IG Live?
I don’t think many people are using it and I really think it’s possible and easy to go viral on main page (I took a quick view and there are people with only 300 viewers)

but the real problem I think it’s that your live it’s related and, at the beginning ,(if it’s not on main page)
only and exclusive for your followers, right? I never tried (my profile has only 6k followers) but I’ve checked that 300 viewers live come from 60-70k profiles.

any tips?
I never tried to go Live because I don’t want to be annoying.

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As with any other “LIVE” strategy right now…

You gotta let people know in advance that you’ll be going live at XX:XX (timezone)

So you do that by either posting about it
making stories about telling people to expect a live from you at that given time.

Start up your own hype that way would be your best bet for now.

IG will send notifications to your followers that you’ll go live (to those who have notifications on) and it also shows in the front top row when you go live so that your followers who are currently online will see that they can tune in.



that was spam

Have 200 accs watching your live and it will go viral…


Also, think about incentivising your lives as well:

  • Free product giveaway?
  • Wild discount?
  • Exclusive freebie for random viewer?
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I know a few people in the comedy sector that use these strategies:
1: Post in the story a few hours before they go live
2: Make 3 posts before they go live that serve as a countdown
3: Then in the stream they are often following users, but that’s not pulling in new viewers just keeping the existing ones.