How to invite my followers on Instagram to like my facebook page?

Hello everyone,
I would like to invite my followers instagram a liker my facebook page.
What is the best solution for you?
I am a little novice, but I am your post and comments that me its useful (thanks to the group for their constructive exchange)
For my part I am French and I apologize in advance for the mistakes of text in your language.
Thank you in advance for your answers

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There are several ways to invite your followers to like your FB page too.

  1. You can send your followers a DM but you’ll need to be careful when doing so. Use spintax on your message and don’t spam. Try to send 10-20 max per day and slowly grow from there.

  2. You can add the invite in your post caption but not all the time. Use spintax here as well, be creative.

  3. You can add the invite as comment to your post using the token [COMMENT], this way even when your caption is blocked, the comment is still there.

  4. Pretty sure there are more ways, let’s wait for what the others would suggest :slight_smile:


“Like my FB Page for a chance at a shoutout”

Has worked for me in the past, grew a fitness fb page to 5K fans but then lost the IG account after it got banned and I forgot the damn email.