How to make money starting from scratch?!?!

Hello I have tried different methods for making a full time business on Instagram and all have seem to fail and I just wanted to know if anyone can point me in the right direction that shows a full tutorial that shows from start to finish on creating an Instagram account from scratch and building it and being able to make money and i just want to try and make $2,000-5,000 a month and I do know that I need to buy followers so the account looks legit be sure no one will buy anything from accounts with less than 10,000 followers , And also I would be doing everything manually and not do jarvee or any automation whatsoever after all my accounts were banned on jarvee, I would help you guys if I knew this and someone was asking for help, thanks a ton

You gotta try and fall, get up and try again man. Otherwise:


How long did you attempt these methods?

If you’re expecting to be spoon fed then you’re in the wrong game.

From just 1 Instagram account? You’ve been watching guru videos on YouTube, haven’t you…

Wrong. Follower count doesn’t matter for selling things- being able to sell effectively and having a targeted, engaged audience is what matters.

Manual actions are fine. I would never be able to be on Instagram for longer than 30 minutes a day personally- I’d pull my hair out. But, you do you.


I don’t want to be spoon fed , I was told that this was the place to ask and have been on here for over a year and everytime I ask everytime tells me everything is in this website and when I ask again I get the same response and no one can seem to show me anything, I’ve been trying everything I learn but always run into roadblocks and it doesn’t go the way I was hoping it would go so I’m just askin gun for help and if it’s to much then you don’t have to help but everyone keeps saying YouTube videos don’t show you anything and it’s all on mp social but I have still yet to find anything and everyone still keeps saying everything I need to know is here , it’s kinda like getting a job and no one will hire you without job experience so how are you suppose to get job experience if you can’t get a job and you just keep getting the same run around and response

And I want to just do strictly affiliate stuff and no Shopify store or Facebook ads, etc

You can ask for help if you want to learn specific things. Not really sure what you’re complaining about. This whole internet marketing thing is 10x harder than you see social media to make it out.