How to Price a Follower Based Service?

I want to change my pricing model to a price followers system. like 10000 followers 500 usd. The monthly service is constantly interrupted by updates and simple AC and i think a price model like that will work better. Since we can apply Slaves account, shoutouts, and Voting strategies growth can be heightened by this pricing model.

The one big issue is that we have so many clients out there that have been buying for months and are losing at such a high rate that the 10k we get them will be more like 6500 in 45 days.

Ideas are welcomed. thank you in advance


  • 250
  • 350-500
  • 500-650
  • 650-800
  • 1000 plus

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I love the follower based pricing and adopting to it is a great idea. The headache is dealing with follower attrition and unscrupulous clients. IG likes to mass remove people at times and I’ve had clients in the past do mass blocks or use apps to “clean” their accounts which then mess with the numbers.

When it was just f/uf it was easy enough to keep track of new followers and losses didn’t matter. But with so many tools and methods, many of which don’t keep proper FBR numbers it gets a lot harder to track and not just resort to the meta follower count.

How are you planning on dealing with attrition or are you simply going to bill it into the price?

Also, if you’re guaranteeing followers at this point in the game and they’re not just bot accounts. I would say you could charge far more. I’ve been eyeballing closer to 0.30 - 0.5 per follower and I’ve gotten some positive response from clients in going that route at that price point


I’m not sure this kind of pricing for a service would be good for you neither for the client.

Really, who’s talking about getting 10k new real followers these days, and pay for this ? As you never know what’s gonna happen with IG updates, a I’m not sure this kind of pricing for a service would be good for you neither for the client. A basic monthly subscription with results would be more efficient for both of you, than a +10k over 3 months. Charge more per month, if you want to ?

Really, who’s talking about getting 10k new real followers these days, and pay for this ?

We’re in a more XX or XXX system digits than in thousands & thousands of followers expected

If you make only one price list, it will only work for accounts of a certain size. In my eye, what works for 1k accounts will no longer work for 1M accounts (I assume that larger accounts get followes faster). Following this path you will have to add some quality indicator, maybe ER, or something similar.

PS. I’m not in the account management business, it’s just simple, analytical thinking :sunglasses:


some niches grow like fire others grow like snails as some of the new people are finding out. Size also matters. I don’t think x dollars for 1k ( 10k , 20k, and so on) works. One bad feed and you could work your butt off for a month and lose followers. A retainer fee – monthly fee is imho best.


I have not been charging on a follower based but after testing a few client for a week i believe its possible using the full bag of strategies that we have. I also know some strategies will undoubtedly be compromised for a few days. thats why a service based on one method is flawed.

I get that now for a few client 1XXXX extrapolated of course since i only tested for a week the strategy. Like everyone else we have fails and updates that do interrupt.

How would you go a out measuring/ in my test we did well but when i saw the unfollows I saw the follower results were weighed down.

i completely agree that content is king but the kingdom is the niche. good idea of a retainer based on results since 1000 followers that buy for a clothing store is a much greater than 100000 fortnite account that do nothing


seems as one price does not fit all. you might have to adjust prices for niches.

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your suggestion of a retainer is brilliant…i have to think performance bars and the structure


I used to do this but be wary you can also lose money over-time because follower rates change and are subjected to the Instagram environment.

Before the market rate on shoutouts were 60-80 USD/1k but now its much higher for better quality followers especially automation targetted.

Also in my experience, most clients don’t care as much about the follower gain as opposed to the service working as a whole, make sure you don’t accidentally undersell yourself with too many followers which might not be fulfilled. This could happen because of the uncertainty of automation

Edit: Also, not all niches are the same and FBR really depends on the content as well, that would be the most tricky part and why most people offer monthly for a generalized rate. Perhaps make sure you are confident in a certain niche before you offer this payment system