How to safely buy an IG account?

Hey guys,

I’ve been in contact with a seller of buying their account and they said they would provide the IG username/password + Email username/password.

How do I make sure that the person doesn’t recover their email and/or IG account and reset their password or something like that once the transaction is finished?

Is there any safe - guaranteed method to buy the account?


this would help at all if they have some recovery email set up you dont know.

Dont buy if the acc seems way to cheap. Do some research about the seller. Use paypal , dont use friends and family.



I only buy from providers who are active here on this forum. I also make sure to change emails and passwords and usernames pretty much immediately, some providers accidentally recycle accounts if you let them sit and don’t use them. I’ve had issues in the past where I bought an account and months later I hadn’t touched it but the provider had seemingly resold it. I don’t think any providers here would do that though! Highly recommend @Verona’s account services! Never had a problem!


As long as he has access to the original e-mail he can get it back. The only ways to safely buy an Instagram account is to either get access to the OG e-mail or just buy from a trusted seller (his reputation should be worth more to him than the value of the account)

There are ways to secure the account but you can never 100% secure it, there is a thread on ogusers about it.

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no real way to be safe, is price too good? search for a middleman for account selling somewhere

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An account can ALWAYS be taken back.

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It’s never save to buy an instagram account