How use Mobile Proxy?

Hi guys,

today I received a mobile proxy from my provider.

example :

when I put this in my bot while creating an account, the “Please type a valid proxy” pops up

what am I doing wrong ?

Thank you for every answer :pray::heart:

12345 Is the port ?

using jarvee?


Regarding OP question some bots doesn’t accept a domain and they want the proxy to be only in an IP:PORT format

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No, I use Followliker

ask them IP instead of domain name. it should work

This. Or resolve the domain to its IP on the CMD with this command:

You then replace the domain in DOMAIN:PORT with the IP you got. End result will be IP:PORT.

Goes without saying that if the provider’s IP of his apartment change you’ll loose connection and you’ll have to find out the IP again :slight_smile:

Mobile Proxy Ip is not fixed

You aren’t connecting directly to the 4G modem external IP but to the provider static IP, which he using the PORT provided redirects you to the correct modem.


You need to have a username and password.

You’re missing username and password to validate