Somewhere around here there’s the tumblr password method.
This is similiar but on hosting which supports php. There are two parts
First part is the form with answer box and button … which will be passed to the process/redirect file
humancheck.php (the answer and redirect url cannot be seen by bot. even if it goes to process.php without posting the correct answer, it will just print out human check failed)
<center>Human check. What is 20 minus 17?
<form action="process.php" method="POST"></br>
<input type="text" name="answer" size="10"></br>
<pre><input name="submit" type='submit' value='Submit'></pre>
process.php (this is php and source is not readable)
until your cloaker is complete, you sound more like a joke than this.
I’m not saying what I posted is a cloaker
This is a quick solution as to stop Instagram bots from discovering your LP and if you got none yet … and only one day old … don’t try to leech emails
There are better ways to advertise your service, and that’s officially via the marketplace looking for beta testers. IF shameless plug, then label it as shameless plug. But you don’t have to go out of your way to ridicule other people’s solution like this:
If your service is much superior and serves a purpose that’s one up better than hundreds of cloaker solution out there have already done, then go ahead. But based on your response to him, it doesn’t sound very professional at all.
What he posted is not a cloaker, and a cloaker has more function, that’s very obvious just by one look, but this is just to deter the crawlers from going to the final destination if at all they’re crawling that deep.
ok sorry! (But im not looking to advertise my service…) but i think that there is better way to do this… because this kind of uman verification are a lot unfriendly for the final user… if you want stop a bot this code do the same and the user didn’t see nothing…
setcookie(“cont”, “14”);
afther that… i call my cloacker a cloacker because it was born to be a cloacker and it’s main fauture is to be a cloaker but have a lot of other function… that’s all… now with this i excuse me for my post!