I have the emails of 100,000 target clients. What can I do with them?

I have many target prospect emails that I purchased, not opt in - and want to make the best use of them without pissing them off or getting banned on various channels. I sell business to business advertising services.

  1. How to use these emails on social media?


One hack I’ve found is upload them to Gmail, then go to LinkedIn and click “upload emails from gmail” to quickly add them to my LinkedIn. From there I make a group, and suddenly I have a group of engaged targeted users in my community, where I can position myself as an expert. I am looking for more tips like this for social media.


Another is adding people to Facebook groups via email address

  1. FOR EMAIL APPROACH: any cold email tactics that WILL NOT get me banned, or damage my domain name.

Thanks again!

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I don’t think that many of them will have a Facebook or Linkedin account, especially if they are business emails.

I guess cold mailing is your way to go.

I have a mix of names and generic emails - I checked, so yes you’re correct for half of them. Any ideas what else I can do with the ones that have names?

If cold mailing is the way to go, how do I make sure my domain name isn’t hurt by many emails going to spam?

you need to buy smtp server for that + auto responder that can work with smtp.

this way you can control your mail client reputation.

i was play with it ones with semi - success :slight_smile:

Google it to learn more!


Awesome - by semi-success what do you mean happened…? Any tips for everyone, or things to avoid?

You can get a mailchimp account and create campaigns to sell your products or promote your website.

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i don’t think MailChimp allow import of 100,000 email. especially if they are bought ones. they have to protect mail client reputation too:)
if they allow it lot of spam complaint will pop and they be block by big providers such as gmail, hotmail etc…

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Thanks all, so criteria I am looking for is:

  1. How to use these emails on social media? EG 1 hack I’ve found is upload them to Gmail, then go to LinkedIn and click “upload emails from gmail” to quickly add them to my LinkedIn. From there I make a group, and suddenly I have a group of engaged targeted users in my community, where I can position myself as an expert. I am looking for more tips like this for social media.
  2. For email approach: any cold email tactics that WILL NOT get me banned, or damage my domain name

Thanks again!

You could make a Facebook ad campaign with a lookalike audience. Facebook will make a custom audience based on your email addresses so you can advertise to similar client. However you need spend money on advertising so I don’t know if this is what you are looking for.


This is a very quick way to get banned from Mailchimp. If you import addresses, you’d damn well better make sure they want to receive your emails. Mailchimp has zero tolerance.

To OP - first thing you’ve got to do is to make sure your lists are clean. I mean, actually verify every. single. address.

Tons of bounces are going to get you flagged in a New York minute by any email service provider. You want your mail blasts to be like smart bombs… not carpet bombs.

Once you’ve cleaned your list you can start looking at ESPs… I can 95% guarantee you’re going to get banned by anyone you use sooner or later since you are using stolen emails. However, sign up for several providers & rotate. That number of addresses isn’t going to be cheap - so if you aren’t willing to invest some $$$, you may be best to sell them.


i never said it allowed

you copy part of the line

Without wanting to play the internet police i need to say this: You are asking for a way of getting your business and name (domain) not into trouble, and still you seem to not understand how many laws you are breaking by doing what you intend to do. If there is ANY real business attached i HIGHLY recommend not going the illegal way. E-Mail spamming is seen as some really lightweight activity by most of the people, while it is not.

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No, I know that. I was agreeing with what you said.

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Give them to me :slight_smile:

I have also 20Mil+ list
Don’t know what to do with it

Throw them in the trash. You don’t have the know-how (can’t be learned in a few posts) nor do i think you’re willing to invest the necessary amount of coin to be successful.

I would be more impressed if you said I have 100k Opt - in emails. This would mean you have experience with your list and no when to mail them daily, over other day ect.

I think you could send them to a squeeze page so they actually care about you and want to opt in.

Your bounce / spam / complaint rate would be high from the first email. your emails will not get delivered and yes it will ruin your domain.

Yes but you can send direct cpa offers.
Not to your own domain.

right u could but OP was saying if his domain would get damaged and yes it will.

I thought about scraping targeted emails and sending out a blast plenty times but I backed off all the time because 1 it is illegal. 2. Spam Traps

I predict you will hit a spam trap even tho u are saying they are targeted emails. This guy must of sold these emails to you for $100k right?


We do blasting for a while.
And it is possible in the following way:

  1. Buy multiple domains that use a redirect to your website. Use an html redirect with a code that makes sense as in a 301.

  2. We use different gmail extensions ( GMASS ) is one of them but there’s a tehnique of growing the accounts easily and nicely.

  3. Different coldmail tehniques will make your email and deliverables more available. - never use a bitly/ tracked link just put a real link. via analytics and that redirecting domain you will get the stats in another way. then ideally make emails short and with names in them, ideally first email with no link. Also you have to make conversations so that gmail won’t block your accounts.

There are more things to say if your interested let me know.
We can talk.

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