I need help! Mother/Child set up

Okay, so I am looking for some marketing advice/help.

I am about to do the method where I am going to hire someone and he is going to send up to 1000 DMS a day for me(using other accounts)

I can target any niche, hashtag & account I want.

so here’s my deal.

I am a fitness influencer and I offer a free 15 day transformation program that I would love to promote.

Ideally I would get these people to send dms to pppl that I want targeted for this program

How should I go about this? what should I exactly say in this DM that will be sent?
Or should I even advertise it in the dm? maybe just get them to somehow follow me and then mention it on my personal account?

do you guys think this is a smart marketing tool?

I would love some advice thanks.

You will lose people this way…Unless your goal is to get more followers. I think a direct approach will be more effective if your goal is to get people to subscribe to your free program.

Free things are usually easy if you make the sign-up process not too complicated. Describe your offer and tell them that they have to go to @accountname (make sure that it is clickable) and click on the link in the bio.

You really have to make the sign-up process easy. If they arrive on a form after clicking the link in the bio that needs 10 minutes to fill in many people will give up. Try to limit it to name and email, if possible.


Yes,as @dimitri said,make things simple as much as possible.

Anyways about the text,your creativity is your only limit and we all would have different answers to the same question.

Still according to what I have tested,if in the message you are portraying things like it’s you the fitness influencer who sent the message,people will like it for sure.

No one likes spam and if the message clearly specified that you the main account is sending message from the spam accounts,trust me they will like it.

It’s a simple and direct approach,no spam and no indirect methods.

Nowedays,people know these methods so it’s better to stay crystal clear to your target audience.

what if my main focus is to get “followers”. what should i say in the message. what’s your opinion?

It depends on a lot of factors, included :

  • Your childs style & authority,
  • How they are related with the mother account,
  • How you plan to monetize the mother account,
  • How you want to interact with your audience / receive your audience,

In my opinion, no one will be able to give you a good DM strategy right here, without having the knowledge of your system. It’s all case-by-case :slight_smile:

I don’t even try that anymore. If I cannot make money directly or at least take them away from Instagram in a sales funnel I will not spend money/time sending DM’s.

Some people like to grow accounts, but the longer I did that myself the more I understood that it is useless. Only a couple % of your followers will see your posts in their newsfeed. It doesn’t pay the bills.

You can also promote your free program, and after they signed up you can try to convince them to follow you on IG. There they can find all the latest updates :wink: I think that this will work better than trying to grow your account and promote your program from there.