I thought TikTok only showed videos to users in same country?

Hey everyone!

I was recently looking at some analytics and I noticed that one of my videos with roughly 400k views only had 20% of the views from the United States (where the account is based). I thought TikTok’s algorithm made it so roughly 90% of the views are coming from the country where the account is located. I’m curious if this video is an anomaly or regular for TikTok.


majority of the FYP views will be from the country of the account [sim/ip used to create the acc etc] it’s possible for content to go into people in other countries who consume that type of content, so basically i’m not from US but i go to MR.Beast’s tiktok very regularly so i started getting his vids and similar vids in my fyp.

one word - globalization. people buy stuff from US and sell stuff to US, it makes no sense to have boundaries on the internet unless the app is made specifically for a country.

Nope, I don’t think that’s correct, and to tell you the truth this is the first time I’m hearing this theory.