I was using face recognition in python to target since the block

For example;


If your a shaving company you can target anyone with a beard :+1::+1::+1::+1:


I saw this about a month ago and was wondering what it was. I love the implications you mention such as more accurate targeting for advertisers and would love to hear more about this.

Just a random thought about the new action blocks. Do you think that it would be possible for Instagram to use facial recognition on the phones camera while using the app to see who is a real user and who is automating? Just a random thought. Would love to get your insights.

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I made a suggestion before about targeting using picture alt text. I’d love to see it become a thing


not talk about smart commenting


I’ve implemented already in my custom API/EB bot it’s very easy to do using python requests. And yes I believe instagram already uses face recognition to check to see if it’s a person posting as you give instagram permission to use the camera. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You can look at someones profile see what pics they are posting from the alt tags AI, so if they match your criteria then they are a target. You don’t even need to be logged into API this information is public!



Would be nicest


How can I find the alt tags on IG photos?

lol next level, even better would be a beard oil or other products that complement growing out a beard to people with beards

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smart commenting would be insane, having some type of spintax that says, I love [flowers, poke, burgers etc…] making the comments seem super human and relative to the post


These are actually great ideas!
I’ll email support requesting this and I recommend others do the same in order for them to see that several users want this feature.

Before emailing, is there anyone that would like to add more functionalities using the alt-text? Currently this is what I have from the above conversation:

1- Follow users based on keyword in alt-text
2- Extract alt-text keywords to use at least one in comments.

I already have this feature implemented long time ago. most of the client don’t really like it. and I use Amazon image reco.

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@funniestpokemon who are you talking about emailing?

@Drav How can I see the alt tags for images on instagram?
is it through web or the app?

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It’s in the source code it’s public. I load the page using python and check the tags. It’s not in the api.

The software’s support team :wink:

with chrome browser @andreokfel

Check the page source, its meant for accessibility readers so should be available.

@kripke thanks so much!