If I decided to use mobile proxies for my clients do I must use a proxy from my cleint's location?

and you also have to take Jarvee / any other bot price in mind.

It is absolutely risky. Many people will tell you this eventhough they haven’t tried doing 8 or 12 accounts per proxy. You may ask why on earth would people claim it is risky when they haven’t tried it for themselfs.
The reason is that every guideline I have seen online including the ones received from Jarvee and othet automation platforms all advice not using more than 2 accounts per proxy. Now it is up to me and you to use the experience of others to cut on expenses or you can choose to learn the hard way and test for yourself.
Hope this clearifies the reason.

I pay 3 euros for 1 PROXY.
Who sells one proxy for $ 100: D ?
It’s better to have 1: 1 in these times, in my opinion

you dont have too worry about the location.
Because when you login with another location you can just verified it from your main account.

Where you paid 3 euro for an 4g mobile proxy? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

PS: for whose who sell mobile proxies, please PM me with offers

I use eu proxies for some clients from Australia and Canada everything is working good for the past months , ofc lower actions and some action blocks from time to time but nothing major and also i run 8-10 accs per proxy

You do understand that he is selling that proxy to other users, right? it’s not 1:1 lol.