If you would creating the next OnlyFans what would you improve?

I am curious. If you would create a subscription-based platform like OnlyFans or Patreon. How would you improve the platform?

What features would you add to create better experiences and also to make more money for the creators and for the platform?

We are building something similar but more focused on Europe. If you have any tips feel free to share them or discuss about it.

Genuine positive question, what makes you think people want/need a competitor with a variety of similar services already?

I’m curious to know how you’d convince me or others why yours is better than OF, Patreon, mymfans,…

Thank you for your reply. I think there is still a space to compete. OnlyFans become popular this year mostly.

We are building a platform more UI friendly. Also, I live in Europe and in the countries around not many Influencerers using OF or Patreon. We have a huge connection with these Influencers. Also, we are going to support more languages. We are adding more options where creators can earn money through hidden upsells etc. We want to implement gamification too.

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Higher creator percentages and faster payouts.