IG Growth flock social

Hey all!

Have you heard about flock social?
Anyone has any feedback on the platform?

Thank you all and have a super weekend!

We tested multiple accounts months back on their platform, the results were poor.

Still worth a try but you would get better results programming accounts yourself with Jarvee.

I think there was a thread on MPSocial regarding this company a while back, but I can’t seem to find it now.


yeah, no good results there, Jarvee is way better on all aspects, did you give it a try @Notturno? did you get any good results?

Was thinking about flock but are the results still not great? If it has no blocks and is safe, it may be easy to just set up and let run with no effort…

this is the first time I’m hearing about that but I’m good with Jarvee, my accounts are still looking good there.

The best thing that you can do is to sign up for a free trial with Jarvee. You can do it from this link: JARVEE - Social Media Posting and Automation

Jarvee is much better