IG Lead Scraper with geo targeting, interests etc

Whats the best scraper for IG? Im looking to generate a list of active IG users around a specific geo location with certain interests.

Can anyone help?

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Do you still need this? I can help.

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I need this, if you can help you can DM ME here or at telegram @alt1x5


What’s your telg number?

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Ayneone knows a good scraper? Found some online but need to target my niche with IG mass accs and cold emailing…wanna scrape my niche

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Have you tried our tool, Give Me Data? :blush:

We can also scrape verified followers and their location if the user has added it in the “About” section.

:gift: Free 5k coins for MP people! DM me :slight_smile:

Pricing way to much

Thank you for the comment :slightly_smiling_face:

Compared to which other tool, you don’t need to add proxies/scrapers and can scrape almost 100% of verified followers? :slight_smile:


various chrome extensions

Thank you for the comment, but that’s not what we’re doing. This tool is great, but it’s not live data scraping from Instagram; it’s scraping from Google and not live :))
Also, with Chrome extensions, you do need scrapers and proxies. So our tool provides a great solution, my friend :slight_smile: Thank you for making more comments.

nah, socleads use insta API its live data

also you can scrape without proxies on chrome extensions the same amount that you charge for on smaller packages easily

LOL haha, you still need accounts and your time. With our platform, we’re doing all the work, so of course, it will be more expensive than a Chrome extension haha.
All the best, my friend :slight_smile:

socleads use insta API its live data, no account no proxies much cheaper :slight_smile:

Lol, it definitely makes me happy.

Socleads is an email scraping platform while Give Me Data offers much, much more than just emails.

Can Socleads scrape followers, hashtags, verified follower usernames, phone numbers, the amount of posts, and followings?

Lol, you’re comparing two different tools with different features. Yes, we can also scrape public emails, but it’s not our main use case.

So, for only email scraping from IG, it sounds like a nice solution. But they don’t have all the development, features, and insider growth hacking data that we have. We’ve been here since 2018.

I’m not sure about you and your goals with messages like this, but there’s enough room for everyone in the market.

Wish you all the best in your journey. Hope you make tons of $$$$$!

If you are a beginner reading this thread → both the solutions listed above are trash.


Why are you saying that? This guy can also do the scraping himself using tools like Su Social/IAM or any others. I shared our tool, which does it for you. It’s not trash, it’s just not cheap.

I would love to hear what you would recommend for a beginner user.