Hy guys, I have a very complicated IG problem.
From this morning I can’t access an IG profile: it had disappeared before, now it has reappeared and therefore searchable, but I can’t log in. IG sends me the link to reset the password but when I open the IG app, I can only access other profiles that I manage except the one that has the problem.
So much so that sometimes I also reset the password of other profiles.
If I make the request again, same thing. On the profile each action has been stopped for about a week (not the Action Blocked) and was in PV in April but returned after 2 weeks.
It’s the first time for me.
I would try it like this:
Wherever you are logging in, change your passwords.
Then give it again
Account recovery and try now.
You have a fb account with ig.
So maybe after changing your password, you will not be able to log in to those accounts that are not “yours”
It is a pity that you are logged out of that account that you want to recover, because if you were logged in you could enter in the edit profile and change the mail and phone number
@Arthuditu I didn’t logged out: I opened IG and my account was gone! After 2 hours has been searchable. And So I tryed to access but it’s impossible because whe I tap on the link, IG doesn’t open the account with problem. May be it’s not clear
in practice I can’t log in, I can’t log in to my profile again
And if you reset the password then you log in to another profile.
So if you log in to this profile, change your password and email to your “no”
And if you do it again, make a note of the password and see which account is currently logging you
If I understood… when I clic on link that IG send me, Ig open the app on one of other profiles that I manage. Imake a note of password that one of that accounts? Because for example after clic Ig open my personal account, second try another account of my client… and so on…
Sounds like you’re logged into the max amount t of accounts on the app. Try deleting the IG app altogether and then click the link to see if it will allow you to enter into the right account via browser. Sounds like something similar that happened to me before.
In that momento I have only 4 accounts. When I add that account (with the problem) IG send me a message with link for reset password but when I clic on the link, open another account. It’s a terrible circle!
I tryed from desktop: the same. IG sends me a message with link (attached the message from IG)
. Did you try to make sure you’re logged out of those 4 other accounts? I would try to make sure I’m logged out of the 4 both via browser and app and delete the app. Is it possibly because you have Facebook linked and somehow it is remembering the other accounts?
Yes. Download the app after you try to reset the password in the browser once you’ve done the rest. It’s a long shot but I’ve had similar work for me. Hope it helps!