I'm almost to start IG dance

Hi there
I just have simple question.
I created 20 IG acc two days ago, using my mobile phone internet and bluestack trick. Every account has an email verified.
After creating an account, I just looking for some people, just browsing a little ~ 10 mins. Then log-out, change my settings and created new account and so on.

Now I have 20 proxies, and my question is, should I just add everything to MP and start to warm up, or I need first log each account manually on bluestacks? make some simple actions, and then add to MP?

Good luck mate! Try 1 by 1

Some people suggest for idle a few minutes after login to MP. And start warming up.

After you registred account wait for ~day ( you have done it ), and put one by one in MP.

What I can suggest. Few days ago I have put some fresh accounts to MP. For me best worked ( someone on forum wrote this, big thanks to him ! :smiley: ), you don’t login directly, but press Forgot password from MP browser, change pw and than go. After this I do small browsing, and leave acc for day. Then start to warm up them.

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