Instagram and Facebook are disabled

What will happen after i appeal for my disabled instagram account ? I have sent all the infos they need but still i have no answer and still both of my fb and Ig are disabled for violating rules on IG


Sorry to hear about that. It really takes some time for IG/FB support to get back to you, and as other clients have mentioned here, persistence in contacting them is key. Please try following up with them.

Do i need to open then new accounts?

Hello again
I tried creating new FB/IG accounts and it’s like i am not allowed to do that. Does anyone know why?

What error did you get? Can you share some screenshots?

Was it your main accounts (accounts you wish to grow) that got disabled?

I even have an old Fb account i opened it 10 years ago i tried to search for it from my device it’s not found, i used a different mobile to search for it, found it but i forgot the password what can i do to use it from my mobile app

you can reset the password and then use it.

I have made several appeals and still i haven’t got any response from IG, how do i know how much time it takes ?

You need to keep on sending until you get a response from them.

Many people here provide the services to restore your disable accounts.

Can i know who?

Have you tried filling out this form? Instagram Help Center

Yes i did and many times and still nothing from their side :disappointed_relieved:

Depending on your ban type, this might take anywhere from a few hours to literal years of constant appeals :slightly_frowning_face:

:worried::worried::worried::worried: this is unfair

That’s true, sadly nothing one can do about it - Facebook is making the rules so you have to play by them, or quit all-together