Instagram APP Automation Macro Experiment [DAY 1]

where? 13char

IG works in 99% of the emulators, basically working in a virtual machine is just fine, you can install multiple ones install the IG app and you are ready to go, same as having a real device. Donā€™t blame the solution if getting blocks, just use good proxies and have a good plan for the actions.

Virtualization is a good solution for small number of accounts or you need a very powerful host. (think min 2gb RAM per instance). We are installing Android OS with no issues whatsoever.

Extra tip :slight_smile: if you go for the manual way, you can create one virtual machine per 5 accounts, save it, and run it anytime you want. Doing so you can have as many you want (as many you storage can save)




I really though emulatos where easily detected by IG, nice tips!


I did as well, it probably depends on how well the emulator is set up.

It is like saying IG is working on root phones.
OK it works.
But it will get blocked much sooner than a regular phone.
Emulator detection:
Please donā€™t read it allā€¦ since it is too long.
So emulator are highly detectable, you can never fake real physical sensors for example.
You donā€™t have real touch screen so all touch are emulated. ā€¦

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Donā€™t confuse emulators with virtual machines, are not the same, I explained in another post that we tracked all ā€œsignalsā€ sent from your IG app to Instagram, and the motion sensors are not included, also are very easy to replicate, if you want to. you need only to manage the drivers., another tip that we learned is to install VMs with old devices settings and older android versions too, fewer issues as those old phones didnā€™t have so many features. Nothing is perfect but so far Instagram doesnā€™t mind if you use all your life the browser and never install the app, so doing it with a VM is exactly that. Of course, do not try to use that account in a real device or computer, you will be flag after a few minutes.


Thanks for the informative response. I definitely think itā€™s possible to fake it, I just think itā€™s too much work to set up if youā€™re only managing a few accounts which is why I posted this. Some people on here donā€™t get action blocks on jarvee because theyā€™re very knowledgeable and have expensive mobile proxies but this solution is for people like me that donā€™t have a budget or the time to correctly configure and manage jarvee. And if I had the time to set up a VM Iā€™d be using jarvee.

I did not understand what you are saying ā€¦ you mixed VM and Emulator and Browsers all in the same paragraph.
I am not confusing any thing, I am a very experienced software and security Eng.
Android is not my cup of tea but we managed to make IG works well on it. the basic I know: be natural, donā€™t try cheap solutions.there are so many flags and tricks to detect you nowdays.

BTW Iā€™m a Senior Software Engineer and you are confused or not have idea about Android development, Iā€™m sure if you are an engineer you would find the right forum for this topic. Cheers
Cheap solutions??? now you made me laugh, you should check the profile of the person that you answer to before assuming, I donā€™t waste a single minute more on you.


You got me wrong.
Cheap solution - solution you donā€™t want to spend money on.
You said that some solution can be expensive, so going with real phone is more expensive but for sure more secure than doing emulation.

Who not getting blocked on JV ? everyone does, even expensive 4g ā€¦ and experince ppl, the API has a bug in it scrapping mechanisem this is easy to detect.

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If what youā€™re saying is right I guess liars arenā€™t getting blocked. But my point still stands, the big social media managers donā€™t have to use scripts, they can hire a VA for $4/hr.

how did you go about getting your second phone jailbroken?

If anyone is able to help me build out a comment script on automate to run on 5 accounts on one phone throughout a day, please message me- would love to get you some work!

How to setup up different proxies for each instances in the emulator?

Maybe we can try using real phone to follow/unfollow vs using emulator to do the same and see the differencesā€¦

@ice Can you please share the script? Please dm me.

If the script not working now, no problem. I just want to see follow chart.