Instagram Automation/Bot Help

Looking for some insight/information on what everyone is doing for automation/bots now that Instagram has been cracking down. I was selling services since the Instagress days and now that it gets harder and harder, I have pretty much stopped since last spring because I got tired of all the BS. I am no tech genius and I haven’t really put much effort into figuring it out. I am simply an entrepreneur. That being said, I wanted to ask you all (the professionals):

What are my options and is anybody having success using bots/automation during these times?

Any information or suggestions are appreciated.

I have tons of inquiries from clientele that want to purchase services etc and I do not know what to do at this point. The money is there, so I would like to try to make this a possiblity!

No need for private skype as there are tons of professionals on this board with a huge load of info :v:

Anything in private is likely for more than just ‘helping out’

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indeed u right never said u wrong about it :smiley:
we still are business man :wink: