Instagram Follow Block - Mega Thread - Level 1 [SERIOUS]

Update regarding the actions block via API:

I put some blocked accounts via API to rest about 48h/72 and relaunched them today and there is what I got:

1- they can follow like & comment Via EB not API
2- I rested the device ID
3-Now they can do all the actions via API

From the Data I have got, the problem may be because of many API calls due to heavy filters!!
I Will keep the test going and will update you soon!!
As for now, I will go with soft setting and minimum API calls to see if those accounts will keep performing via API with no issues…
If true the solution should be using dedicated accounts for scrapping!!

I think as well that IG has new features to fight automation via 4g more strict than before and we will need to run lesser accounts per modem!!!
I can’t confirm that yet with certainty but I believe that Residential proxies are better than most of 4G proxies on the market!!
Finally, a statement from the Jarvee team regarding this problem is very needed, we are in the same boat and our main goal is to find ways to keep going and overcome this period with more strength!

I hope this small contribution will help someone :slight_smile:
Thank you for reading! and please let me know what do you think!


It was really helpful indeed, thank you ! A few other ones a re also experiencing what you’re stating. I need to test it out too. Will be updating when I have more insights

I almost also sure this is related to scrapping using the account. I own my own bot that got no block, the account it self don’t scrape. but I use Chrome… Jarvee scrapping to fast? why there are no settings for that? I anyway limit all account on jarvee to 10 minute scrapping, but this is not how fast it is just how long… it is hard to do test when only 0.3% of accounts each day fail to API Block.

BTW, I found a working solution for the api block that need no device ID reset. I will let know the first 2 that will msg me. sorry I can’t share yet, but it is been almost a week and the account still functioning on api.


It’s not permament. The block was lifted on my accounts after 31 days. Two accounts are working fine again now, but I am starting them up slowly. The third one is not follow blocked. But every account I follow with that profile gets removed automatically after a few minutes. So it looks like I can follow with that account - manually in the app itself - but 10 minutes later those accounts are gone again, removed from the following without any message. I have no explanation for it.

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got around 30 follow+like block on API only out of 300.
It used to be 1-2 a day now it been 25 this morning (extra 25).
I own 4g network with 3-5 users on ip, all located at same city, but some residential I have also blocked.
Some of the account are really new (one did 80 follow * 4 days only !)
So it seems like an API related block + Scrapping maybe?

Anyone also experiencing this massive ?

80% of my accounts, all with safe settings. happened this morning…

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Response from the software support…

" Yes, reset device ID helps in some cases.

Our developers are still investigating this and trying to find a solution if there’s one."


Can you provide further information?
How does your setting look like?
Are you using proxies?
How many accounts are you running? Which bot are you using?

Yet resetting device ID too often leaves footprints. This I was told by Jarvee Support.

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Woke up to 9 accounts follow blocked this morning - have switched to EB but still blocked :man_facepalming:

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Using MP, ipv4 proxies, running 40 clients accounts.
setting are 10-20 follows every 40-70 minutes 60-180 seconds delay.
80-120 and lower in some cases. Also like a post on 20% of new followings.
Unfollowing abt the same. no other tool used

Do you know whether your clients are logging into IG from their phones while automation is running?

They always do! The just don’t do and f/u or likes. The must post anyway to keep the account active/interesting etc

Doing so is highly not recommended. It leaves footprint! You may wanna tell them to do so, when their account are on night mode or at the hours no automation is done on their accounts. Doing automation and using your account on phone does raise flags!
How many accounts per proxy do you run?

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This morning 7 accounts received:
“Action Blocked - This action was blocked. Please try again later. We restrict certain content and actions to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.”

I manage 30 accounts
10 were follow blocked on 4th June
I paused all actions on all accounts for a week while I figured out next steps.

I very slowly started up the accounts that weren’t blocked with max 155 follows a day and max 125 likes. I used to only follow/unfollow but I’ve added in liking posts and liking comments and a LOT more randomised to appear more human.

All accounts are unblocked now and I started each up slowly 2 weeks after they were follow blocked.

The 7 accounts that received the Action Blocked notification DIDN’T get a follow block on the 4th June. Except for 1, which is one of my test accounts and I started following/unfollowing earlier on it for testing reasons.

On my test account I can still like, comment, follow on my phone - so the block maybe restricted to IP/Proxy or Web.

I am guessing a few possible reasons:

  1. 155 follows and 125 likes a day total together too much? Maybe I keep to 195 total?

  2. Scraping - my accounts scrape themselves and I think a lot. For example for every 10 accounts it loads, only around 2 pass the variables for min/max followers etc.

  3. IP/Proxy related?

So I think I am going to try scrape elsewhere and feed in the valid users to follow. Does anyone know the best way of doing this? Or simply have a separate account that saves data?

Thanks :slight_smile:


2-3 per proxy - i am not rotating them (do you think i should? )
Never faced a problem before by letting them use the account without doinf f/u/likes

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I don’t think rotating here would do any changes. As long as you run 2-3 clients per proxy you are safe. Do not go with more than 3. Jarvee actually recommends max 2 clients per IP. I do not know about MP.

The new algo is strickt. It does detect instantly when a new login is made from another device or IP. This is classefied as a big footprint.
As mentioned before, tell your clients to login when your not automating or when night mode is enabled.

Rest the accounts. I can assure you that these are only temp blocks and will be lifted. I had 500 acounts blocked. I stopped everything. Literally everything. I know loads of people state you gotta look human blocked, but I just stopped everything. They were blocked for 25 days and they are now up and running every single of them.


Just want to share my response to their email and when I have news I’ll share with you, this is exactly how I feel about this…

Hello guys,

What do you mean with… “if there is one?”

Is that meaning that we have no solution and we need to be 24/7 on the screen waiting for some API block and RESET ID, it ask for mail verification so we call the client, loginback and turn on activities on EB to then a few minutes later we do that again over and over?

Sounds like we have a big issue and headaches.

Thank you.


Hello there,

First of all i’m super new to this forum, so hey haha.

I wanted to share my experience regarding this block issue as it might help other people with their investigation.

I’m currently managing 10 instagram accounts and before 20 may I was f/uf around 800-1000 people a day with a 3 to 4 day wait for the unfollow. I also had Jarvee set up to like 1-3 pictures before following and I also mute after the follow.

Then on 20 may or something, all my accounts got action blocked for following, even the ones that weren’t even active, they all stayed blocked until 24 june 2019 where they got unblocked, and now today 29-06 they got blocked again.

I reduced my follow limits to 10 per hour, 126 per day with a randon night mode for 6-9 hours sleep. I didn’t enable the liking tool, it was just pure follow and unfollow, and the unfollowing didn’t even start yet as there was nothing to unfollow due to my 3-4 day wait period.

Jarvee also advised me to use their automatic follow/unfollow tool, which makes sure only 1 tool is running. so it follows x amount of people, when that cap is hit, it will stop the follow tool and start the unfollow tool until everybody is unfollowed.

Hope this is helpful to you guys, if you have any questions or anything, please let me know.

Edit: I’ve never received any PV before, so all accounts are clean in that regard.
Edit: I can follow again using my phone, but jarvee keep giving the action blocked error, even when I’m using a 4g proxy. so this is very weird, action blocked on jarvee but on my personal phone it still works.

Day 25, account still follow blocked.