Instagram introduces "fake content report tool"

Instagram will launch a feature that will allow users to report fake content.
In order to report suspicious information & fake content, Instagram users just need to click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post and report it it as “inappropriate” and “fake”. The post will be officially assigned as “fake” after checking by Instagram team.
The post will not be completely removed from the platform, but their promotion will be prohibited from using hashtags.

What is your opinion about this feature?
Should such a feature reduce the number of fake content on the platform ?

how does IG define fake content?


Sounds unfortunate and dangerous. People should have a right to post fake content.

It could easily lead to a way of limiting freedom of speech and expression.


good way to destroy an account. example –
hey followers @xyz stole my content go hit the 3 dots and report it as fake –

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It depends, if your fake content is you with an IG filter that change your real aspect fine, if fake content is spread unreal news and events, no I would say people should not be able.

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how does IG define fake content?

its an manual proccess, instagram will dedicate a team to look after fake content reports.

Sounds unfortunate and dangerous. People should have a right to post fake content.
It could easily lead to a way of limiting freedom of speech and expression.

I dont agree with you, because latley a bunch of celebrities posted a copyright hoax to Instagram. The claims are fake and the assertions don’t make a lot of sense.

good way to destroy an account. example –
hey followers @xyz stole my content go hit the 3 dots and report it as fake –

When you report fake content it goes through manual check by instagram team to decide either fake content or not.

Just because you can think of one situation that makes the option valid doesn’t mean it won’t be wildly abused by the general public. Also, like most other things, verified people such as most celebrities probably will be the least likely affected by these flaggings unless it’s a serious false thing.

What defines fake content though? That in itself is a vague term. Is it fake because it is not yours? Is it fake because it’s posted on a fake account, is it simply fake information, is it fake because you photoshopped it a bit to look nicer? Is it fake because the IG staffer hasn’t had his morning coffee? Humans make mistakes…what’s the appeal process? (assuming there is one)

What if something “fake” infringes on free speech? Like anti-vaxxers. I think people who don’t believe in vaccinating their kids are idiots and incredibly dangerous to society and most of their “evidence” to support their claims has been debunked by science (ie… it’s fake!). But at the end of the day it’s an opinion but can it be flagged and removed? What if the IG’s management has a pro anti-vaccination policy (ie they believe anti-vaccination is legitimate and true) so it allows anti-vaccination posts to stay but actually removes posts against anti-vaccination?

This very much pushes into the reality of IG being able to control narratives. I mean social media already does to a wild extent but it could get so much worse now.

If counters in the reports don’t bite ya. A post reported to many times even if within guidelines will get an account throttled even with no actions from ig

hope they execute it way better than YouTube (several adpocalypse…)

Why does Facebook/Instagram insist on tailoring their platforms strictly to political elections. This tool is literally just a way for Facebook/Instagram to remove posts which they don’t agree with- a post being “fake” has nothing to do with it. Goodness sakes.

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Oh man. Dark times ahead then. This is super subjective.

That would be a serious problem for our slaves accs… :frowning:

I think the will make it with spiders and see how often this content exist. And if you are not the owner or licensor the spiders will see it. And if many people said this is an copy instagram account the the just repost without permission than. The will check also the result of the spider and if the see a mach yea how knows what’s happen with this accounts. All the industry its starting to safe rights again. This is my opinion sorry for my bad engish its not nativ.