I have worked with some growth engine and had enough experience. I have read a guide about it that says:
Follow limits
the follow limits on Instagram depend on multiple situations of your Instagram account:
- The number of your followers
- Account’s Engagement Rate (contain all posts likes and comments)
- Your Instagram Account Age (how long do your account exist)
- Active or inactive accounts
- Quality of proxies (If you are using third-party Instagram automation)
The original rule is:
Instagram old accounts (aged more than three month) are able to follow and comment more than new accounts. If you have the big number of followers, you can take actions more than accounts with fewer followers, active accounts can do more actions than inactive ones; accounts with high engagement rate are able to follow more than mute accounts and if you tend to use Instagram Automation, It’s important to choose one with secure and trusted proxies .
So, with all of the information, the total number of accounts you can follow on first day you sign up your new accounts is between 50 to 80 accounts. After that, if your account will be active this number increase almost by 10 to 20 every day.
The maximum number of accounts you can follow per day reach 500. In this process, you can warm up your account instantly, and if you don’t trespass from Instagram rules, you have no problem.
If your account is active for a good period of time and your number of followers and engagement rate grow, it’s achievable to follow 800-1000 people per day. But you have to know it can not to be safe to pass or the limits.
If you spend notable time (between 14-16 hours a day) in Instagram and your account’ numbers grow properly to I can tell you even to follow 40 people per hour and it means to almost 1000 follows a day.
Unfollow limits
the follow limits on Instagram depend on multiple situations of your Instagram account:
- The number of your followers
- Account’s Engagement Rate (contain all posts likes and comments)
- Your Instagram Account Age (how long do your account exist)
- Active or inactive accounts
- Quality of proxies (If you are using third-party Instagram automation)
The original rule is:
Instagram old accounts (aged more than three month) are able to follow and comment more than new accounts. If you have the big number of followers, you can take actions more than accounts with fewer followers, active accounts can do more actions than inactive ones; accounts with high engagement rate are able to follow more than mute accounts and if you tend to use Instagram Automation, It’s important to choose one with secure and trusted proxies .
For new accounts, you cannot unfollow more than one unfollow every 36 to 48 seconds and no more than 500 per day.
For old accounts, you cannot unfollow more than 1 for 12 to 22 seconds, and no more than 2000 per day.
But, as I mentioned before the maximum number of unfollowing, depends on your engagement rate, activity, and how much time spend in Instagram too. So if your profile numbers are growing well and spend so much time on Instagram I can tell you can do more than this numbers unfollowing.
Instagram like limits
My experience in study a lot of Instagram account show me the number of likes is about 1.5-2x the number of your followers’ list. So if your follow limit is 200, you can like between 300-400 posts.
Generally, we can have a simple estimation of the number of likes for new and aged Instagram accounts.
For new accounts, one time in 36-48 seconds and no more than 500 per day.
For old accounts, one likes every 28-36 seconds and no more than 1000 per day.
We cannot say a certain number of comments. But some studies and experiences in working with the massive amount of accounts get this result that the maximum safe number for commenting per day is 250 comments.
For aged accounts, you can comment 1 for 400 seconds and no more than 14 per hour.
Post limits
The number of posts per day depends on the age of your account:
For new accounts: no more than three posts a day
For old accounts: no more than 12 posts a day
Character limits
The maximum number of characters you can use in comments is 2000 characters for each comment.
Mention limits
You cannot use more than five usernames in every message for 350 to 400 seconds.
Hashtag limits
The Instagram rules say you can put 30 hashtags under one post. But I recommend you to not overuse hashtags and try to keep it 6 to 7 hashtags per posts.
source: http://instablizer.com/blog/2019/06/30/everything-you-need-to-know-about-instagram-limits-in-2019/