🚀 Instagram Mass DM Service: Gain more Instagram Followers, Drive Sales & Generate Leads

Hit me for new orders!!

Hit me for new orders!!

Hit me for new orders!!

I have a startup course website where I am trying to sell memberships, can I expect any sales from your service?

Hit me for new orders!!

Hit me for new orders!!

Hit me for new orders!!

Hit me for new orders!!

I gave this service a try and thought with volume, there should be some results, even a small percentage.

Sadly, I received no leads in the inbox and no new followers to our accounts, with a legitimate offer / product.

My opinion is the seller could improve the onboarding process to make it more informational and helpful. It would be better for him (to save time asking questions) and also for new people to the service to get better results.

Some questions could be pre-answered and used in the onboarding process, for example: which niches this service works best for? What do we need to focus on regarding targeting to make sure we are sending messages to real accounts? What message template works best? What is the best call to action and follow up to convert the users to sales?

The seller is responsive to answering questions on Telegram, but it’s all very ad-hoc with screenshots and other things which kind of leaves one scratching their head. A simple one-pager answering these questions with some examples from successful campaigns, or even a blog post, would go a long way to helping his clients do better and get the most of out the service, becoming repeat clients.

I was hoping to become a repeat client for this service but not until I can be more confident of getting results.


PS Also, I don’t think a seller should argue with a client afterwards but use the feedback to improve and try their best to make the client satisfied. I know I’m going to get some comebacks from the seller replying to this review but that’s just missing the point.


Hit me for new orders!!

Hit me for new orders!!

Hit me for new orders!!

Hit me for new orders!!

What’s IG scrapping? Is it to get the details of the followers? Also to promote my services what would you recommend?

Yes scrapping means getting followers info like username, firstname, lastname, email, phone, bio…

  1. Good Targets (prefer hashtags posters)
  2. Work on the message:
  • Strong incentive
  • Clear call to action
  1. Good looking main account with original and professional content
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Continuing the discussion from :rocket: Instagram Mass DM Service: Gain more Instagram Followers, Drive Sales & Generate Leads:

Can you help me get high ticket clients enrol to my programs? I am happy to use Mass DMs or anything you would recommend (including scrapping)

How do I make the apyment other than BTC?