Instagram not following all?

We will check this out on our side, see what we can find.

If you restart Massplanner and then stop and start the follow tool does it start to work?

I’m noticing the same problem here, the following settings followed a total of 3 people in 7 hours today lol. There is lots of sources, 50+ kw’s split across keywords and bio, and several large follow friends of profiles on this account. Proxy is valid (experiencing this across a number of accounts). Have restarted the program and start/stopped the tool. Max connections are at 50.

Looking at the log I see many of these.

2017-01-10 19:22:00.5347 - GetFollowers failed with exc:System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond <proxyip:port>

Though when I open the embedded browser I can navigate just fine, and the Like tool still works normally.

For comparison, I stopped/started the Like tool for the same account and it appears to go fine (lots of '2017-01-10 19:45:22.9653 - Javascript browser alert: RR4013LOADEDV2')

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I had a TeamViewer session yesterday. @DanielAdmin has suggested that I unmark the ‘follow users with followers/followings in the specific range’. This seems to be working for now, but I am curious about the quality of the followers I will get. This seems like a temporary solution, given that I have been following with this filter in the last month or so with no issues. We will see what the next MP update will bring.

@abbecain Thanks for the info, unfortunately I don’t have that option ticked. A bit off topic, but what do you usually set it to?

It might be caused by another filter. I suggest you uncheck certain filters in your accounts and see which of them are doing better after 2-3 hours.

I set it to follow accounts that have followings between 30 and 2000.

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I do have several options checked, though none that should stop this from working given the sources.

I’ll mess around with them a bit.

Par @Said’s recommendation, I have checked the ‘do not use EB for Instagram’ option, but I am constantly getting ‘API did not follow’ errors. This issue is visible in almost every account. I have counted 17 errors in a single minute with 50 accounts. Is this normal @DanielAdmin?

Dont check the option Do not use EB for Instagram, that needs to be unchecked otherwise you can have follow issues.

I had a massive post writtten up for this, then I managed to solve my issue whilst troubleshooting.

I had to remove all foreign characters from my ‘User/bio must not contain these’. After removing only the non-English characters it appears to be following correctly again.

Did something change the way these fields are parsed in the 4th Jan update?

@abbecain I can confirm my ‘User has a number of followers between’ works for me, after I removed those foreign characters.

Hey @mrpurplz
I am still struggling with this one, even after I disabled the ‘followings range’ filter
What do you mean by foreign characters? I have the following keywords at my ‘must not contain’ list:
free, follow, like, fr33, get, giveaway, bio, followers, click

So, no foreign character.

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I have ruled out ‘fr33’ out of desperation, to see what will happen
I have added spaces between keywords and eliminated some keywords that might be repetitive, e.g. follow and followers.

I doubt that this will have any affect, but at this point, I dont know what else to do and this is getting pretty annoying

@abbecain Yeah that list should be fine, I had several Russian words with characters such as ю

What I did to test was stop all sources other ‘Follow friends of target accounts’ (way over a million followers combined). In Follow Settings I disabled all checkboxes and put ‘Wait between’ at ‘1-2’ minutes so it should just continually follow until stopped. I ran this and enabled options one by one until it broke, then did the same test with an without the Russian characters until I could confidently say this was the culprit.

If you try this I suggest waiting at least 10 minutes per test as it can take a while to get itself processing.


I had the same problem tried out something and finally by unchecking the option of (follow the users who have posted in the last x days and x was 90) the problem get fixed and following started as it scheduled. just watching out to find if is it an everlasting solution or it is temporary.

Hey @DanielAdmin
Is it normal though that some accounts follows only with the EB?
I have noticed 10 of my relatively old accounts following exclusively with EB

I am asking because I have noticed that the only way to have my Twitter and Pinterest accounts hitting the daily limit is checking the ‘do not use EB for Instagram’ option, but as soon as I do that, 10 of my IG accounts stop following

You shoud go in MP>Settings>Embedded browser and increase the Maximum number of simultaneous connections. If you check the option do not use EB for Instagram you will have those kind of issues.
Instagram has some logic built in to silent block the follow api call when you either follow too much or if IG flags your proxy. We have seen in our tests so far that using the embedded browser to follow when this happens is very beneficial, the follow using api calls starts to work again after a few days.


Hey @DaveNL
I didnt want to hijack your topic, so let’s continue here
Which files did the MP support install?

I have a copy of them, it was some DLL files and the exe file i believe, you want a copy of those files?

Yeah, that would be great
If @DanielAdmin can confirm that it’s not gonna be harmful, I might do the same

Guys, we will release a new MP update today with the fix for the followers issue.
@DaveNL please remove that share from zippyshare, you should ask for permission next time you want to do that.