Instagram not playing nice

what would u suggest for the link?
Because new accounts when u put link, even a legit .com u get review 24h/ban after a few hours… what would u suggest for adding links? how can u do it without gettin banned? thanks

Well you will get the least trouble with “warmed up” accounts, which means a higher cost per account.

Sorry to ask lots of questions,

What is a following round ? Like per 7 days or daily ?

Every 3 days or 6 days or Day F the other Day UF. Just do it the way you see fits you and your time ofc.

Thank you!
I’m going back to square one, got account compromised messaged where they made me change the password :slightly_frowning_face:

Change the password and let the account rest for 48 hrs and start going slowly

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Do you use scraper accounts? If you’re logged in to the account account on your phone, I suggest you log out, then enable the night mode in Jarvee. Only log in and use the account manually on your phone when the night mode on your account is active.

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No this account is 100% only used on mobile