Instagram Password Wont Reset

Hello I keep trying to reset my ig password.

  1. I went to the website and tried to reset
  2. Within the app I sent email to reset

Everytime I click the email I received and type the new password it says

Sorry we couldnt complete your request. Please try again in a moment.

I also logged out of app and logged in again but it wont work.

You must do this on another phone. Get on another phone. Settings> security> password.

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I do get the password reset email but when I click it and enter new password it gives me the error message

Sorry we couldnt complete your request. Please try again in a moment.

So its not that its not sending a email. It is sending an email but when i enter new one its giving an error

Wait and don’t try too often.

Its been a few days and its not resetting. I do get the emails but then the same error message when I reset password and submit happens. Right now only way I can login is due to facebook

I am having this EXACT same issue. Any1 know a fix?

Exactly the same , almost for 15 days :confused:

I had the same situation with three of my accounts.

I changed password on EB (with the error of course, I clicked “reset password” button many times) and then set this pass to Social Profiles and click Verify. And it works.

I know, it sounds weird but It worked for me.

Can you please elaborate more on this? What is EB? And what you mean set pass to social profiles?

Can you help and explain this please?