Instagram renaming my kids

How can I rename all my children without killing them? Meaning can I just use 1 IP to rename all my child accounts on Instagram?

If you read here on this forum, many say that you shouldnot do many actions with your jarvee with all your accounts at the same time. why not do it 1 after 1?

I’m talking about renaming my 100 accounts just the Instagram handle that needs to be done immediately and all I need to know is if you can do them using the same IP

That is a very clickbait title lol.

@Frank_Bisko is trying to say that doing any action in mass will cause mass problems, very fast.
So, it is not advised to change all the accounts at once, or even in a day. Even if you have to, they all need a separate ip. Having them all on one ip will cause them all to die,

Good :+1: I’m working on my marketing skills so I’ll take my clickbait skills I do have a business minor but that wasn’t my intention okay so can I just use the same IP? How quickly should I do it then?

No you can’t use the same ip. Are these new accounts or yours.

They are new accounts

They need to be done on different ips, if you have a rotating 4g then that’s easy. They should also be running on those ips. A few on the same ip won’t kill them but mass will.

I also recommend doing it manually also.

I would agree with this. Don’t use too many accounts on one IP, then change the usernames for all of them since that is a pattern and IG does not like patterns. Much better if you can use the same IP that was used when the accounts were created (if the IPs are still available).