Instagram Scraper in Jarvee

whats up. does the instagram scraper feature in jarvee do anything different than the regular IG tool? im thinking of moving up to the next tier and wanted to see how it works, if different. have not used it yet.

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It’s basically the same, except the filtering options are a bit different there and more complicated to get filtered users (less filters possibility also, like followers/following counts).

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Are you referring to IG scraper accounts? if so, those accounts don’t have access to Tools, so you can only use the tagname method on them.

The good thing about Instagram Scraper social profile is that you can add as many as you want and it will not be counted as one account, and that you have some preset settings that your scraper will use.

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What do you mean by the regular IG tool?

A lot of users are not aware of this. If you pay for the $70 jarvee subscription or higher, you can have unlimited scrapers (and will enter them in differently compared to main accounts). If you don’t have the $70 subscription, you must add a tagname and change some settings to be sure only your scrapers do scraping.

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thank you. its honestly all i wanted to know.