Instagram Scraping Tool

Hello everybody,
Thanks to all of you for your interest and participation in this topic.
I’m testing a few scrapers out there at the moment. I will let you know my opinion when I’m done.

First thing : scraping isn’t that easy anymore because IG is blocking more and more the access to it’s app.

I have made some tests with JV and I can only scrape for a few hours before getting blocked by IG :–(

Anyone want to comment on that ?
Any solutions ?

Thx again. It’s nice to know that we can share things between professionals :wink:
Cheers to all

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If you using Octoparse, it’s pretty easy to create an Instagram scraper on your own. Here is a reference video, How to Scrape Yelp Data to Excel . Also, you could check out the Social Media Data Solution if you want to scrape across all types of social media networks including major players like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Weibo and many more.