I wish to go deeper into Data driven Marketing and I’m looking for someone who could develop a scraping tool for me ( first for Instagram and maybe Facebook if possible ).
Do you know anyone ?
Thanks for your recommandations
I wish to go deeper into Data driven Marketing and I’m looking for someone who could develop a scraping tool for me ( first for Instagram and maybe Facebook if possible ).
Do you know anyone ?
Thanks for your recommandations
How much do you need the tool to do? J offers scraping tools for Facebook and Instagram
Looking for onw too
What do you need in scraping? Pm me
For simple scraping : J offers normal scraping across the accs.
I have maybe 3-4 custom Instagram scraping tools, let me know if you need one.
Not too large numbers…
But I’d like to do some ‘advanced’ scraping --> combining results of two ‘simple’ scraping.
Ex : get a list of people who posted with #beauty AND #London
Who is J ?
I asked this question before. Need that too. Phantom has multiple hashtag scraper but I tried it and it doesn’t seem robust enough.
If you know about some good tools/scripts, im interested to know.
Can i get a hit?
Can share the functionality of what it does?
viral content scraper
explore page / igtv popular / locations / feed / hashtags / news feed post scraper
follow source scraper
bulk username availability checker with spintax support
bulk photoshop content creation
and few others i can’t remember
J or jv means Jarvee which is windows based application commonly used to automate many Instagram tasks. Link is
I have such tool. You simply add the sources (let’s say hashtag #london) and then in filtering option you add #beauty:
but not sure if you will find a lot of posts who have #london and #beauty hashtags in the caption maybe 10 out of 1000 i guess
Can it be custom to extract via hashtag and filter through location tags or vice versa? Can DM me the price?
You can add hashtag such as: #toronto and click check “has tagged location” so the tool will scrape posts that have tagged location on posts. If that’s what you are asking.
I can build it
PM sent
Our team can also code an on-demand tool for you — already got much experience in data-scraping applications.
Feel free to send a PM with your request.
Can you PM me deets?
Hey I’m interested in that service as well, can you send me details?